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What it's Like Opening For Nick Carter

Writer's picture: Angela JadynAngela Jadyn

Las Vegas November 17th "Who I Am Tour" The Summit Showroom at Venetian Resort

Opening for Nick Carter for his "Who I Am" tour as a #WhoIAmNewArtist has been an incredible experience and one for the books! I am so grateful that I had the chance to sing my original songs that mean so much to me and share them on such an amazing platform. I wanted to write about the thoughts and what was going through my head before, during & after this highlight that will forever be branded into my soul... so here it goes.

On Saturday, November 16th, the day before the show, I was rehearsing my songs and realized my voice was not doing what I usually have no problem doing. I was not able to hit the notes in the key I had originally wrote my songs in due to being under the weather. It wasn't a typical cold because I was not congested. I definitely sneezed a bunch of times earlier on in the week after walking my dog and developed a slight headache accompanied by minor aches other than that I felt fine and normal. I don't usually have a problem belting out songs after 30 mins or so of warming up my voice, but let me tell you it was a struggle! Thankfully, I had reached out to some friends to get the key lowered a half step down the night before the show. I felt at ease going to bed thinking ok, I have a backup plan so I feel even better now in case I wake up the day of the show and can't sing my songs in the original keys....

Sunday rolls around, the day of the show, and I sipped on hot tea with lemon and honey all day long. I sucked on lozenges all day and stayed quiet until the last two hrs before having to leave for my soundcheck. Nick's assistant reached out to me and asked if I would like to come early for soundcheck at 5pm instead of 5:30. I texted back, "Sure, I'll be there." Warming up my voice, I was starting to freak out, I wanted to take my time and get ready but my voice was scaring me on another level. Nick's assistant sent another text to see if I'd like to come at 4:40pm for his private listening party he had with his fans. I was more concerned about my voice sounding like Marge Simpson's sisters' from the Simpsons. It sounded like I had smoked an entire 12 pack of cigarettes in one sitting when I would try to sing higher notes. I started to go down the rabbit hole of google & read that Tylenol could help calm vocal inflammation. I took two pills and then showered while I waited for them to kick in. I ran through my songs once more and it seemed to work so I was alright but not sold on the fact that I will hit the notes later on in the evening. I thought to myself if I get there on time for the listening party, cool...if not, as long as I'm there for my soundcheck on time then I should be all gravy.

I walked into the showroom with my friend as Nick's assistant guided us to our seats where we sat behind the other artist and her guest who was also opening for Nick. After his meet & greet with fans Nick made his way up to where my friend and I were sitting in the showroom. The wait for my mic check was so nerve racking because my voice started to feel extra dry after walking through the casino floor from the parking garage needless to say...I live in a desert! My hands were sweaty as Nick Carter and his assistant started to make his way toward me. I wasn't nervous to meet him rather just irritated and nervous at the fact that I was not sure I was going to be able to sing at all that evening. Nick made his way over and says, "Hey, I know Angela" with a friendly smile. He turned to his assistant and says, "She's the one that knows.." Yes, Nick Carter is friends with a childhood friend of mine (she was also the one that tagged me in his contest announcement video on Facebook). Their kids actually play together and she is friends with his wife Lauren. Super small world! I had no idea my friend actually knew Nick until I got the news Nick wanted to do a Tik Tok stitch with me singing and I texted her with excitement when I found out. She then texted back with, "Omg that is awesome, I'll have to come watch you and ask him for passes!"...that's when I though...skiiiiirrrt, wait what? She sent me a screenshot of their convo "My friend Angela just sent this to me. She is my childhood friend since the 4th grade. Love her....She used to sing in the locker rooms during PE in junior high and high school." Nick responded, "Omg! Really? That's crazy! Where is she from?..." Perhaps one day I'll get to put the screenshot of that text between the two of them in my book! It's definitely pretty crazy they know each other. Lets be clear though, that is not how I got chosen for this opportunity. My friend did NOT say "Hey Nick, pick my friend for your contest." I definitely have the screenshot proof of it!

Sound check didn't go as I had hoped. I was devastated I could not command my voice the way I'm used to commanding it. I jumped up on stage once the sound guys called me up and I could not even sing my song at the half step key I chose...I was bummed and annoyed but tried to not show it! My voice sounded like I was crying in those highs as it was cracking all over the place! I happened to see Nick in my peripheral view to my left after I had thought he was somewhere in the green room. I told the sound guys to cut it. I couldn't even run through my second song Warrior. I just stopped because my voice sounded horrible and it was frustrating. Nick made his way up on stage to me where I noticed his assistant was filming with her phone so I had to put my game face on. Thankfully I've been in showbiz for awhile and know how to not show frustration on my face and remain calm.

After our talk, I ran out of that showroom and went back to the car in the parking garage where I worked out my vocal options with a really good friend of mine and singer. He helped me figure out ways to just sing it an octave lower if need be. At this point, I had two options....cancel or sing it how Miley Cyrus or Lady Gaga would sing their lows and own it. It was a last minute move in which I was up for because there was no way in hell I was going to cancel this opportunity especially after speaking out all year long how all I want to do is finish my album, get my songs heard on the radio, tour with a bad ass band, sing MY songs and possibly open for a major artist! There I was, crunch time, getting ready to open for Nick Carter, and all I have to do is sing two songs.... two of my original songs that I've been wanting to sing at every show I do but can't because the venues I sing at want covers. I had to make adjustments real quick so I did.

I marched back into the Venetian, through the casino floors to the showroom and went to the green room to drop my jacket and bag off. My friends were back there and wanted to get a pic of all of us with Nick and I had to bounce to head backstage as I was on in a few minutes. I gathered my thoughts back there and did jumping jacks trying to get the blood flow going. Then Nick out of nowhere was back there with me and I don't even remember what we were talking about because I was listening to the other 'who I am new artist' winner to see where she was in her set before I had to go on.....

I got through it and owned it and did my best that my voice allowed. I wanted it to be perfect and it was "perfectly, imperfect." I had to muster up every ounce of "Warrior" spirit within me to sing with all the last minute adjustments and fearlessly address the audience on it not because I had to but because I wanted to. That night I learned to be resilient not just as a human under pressure but also, as an artist. I'm not meant to be anyone or anything else except myself. I learned to be authentic while I allowed the messages of my songs to be heard. It wasn't about me as an artist. It's about the music I wrote and the messages they carry. I always saw myself as being this beam of light in a dark world, a world that will allow my songs to be heard for people of all ages. I have other songs that have yet to be recorded and released off the album I'm currently working on. Not all my songs are uplifting but they all hold truth as to who I am as an artist and spirit in this human experience. I've always seen myself as this wild, untamed, spirit here to teach people its ok to be whatever you be authentically true to yourself and to love yourself enough to rock it fearlessly! As an artist I get to be it all... dark and light, wild & free. With that being said, I'm a badass "Warrior" for getting through that night, to share it with the crowd. I am proud of myself for it. The fact that we are alive and get up every day to face on life, is a true testament of a warrior spirit. The struggles we go through, the ups and downs, the highs and lows, the fact we keep going shows we are all warriors in one way or another.


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