Behind The Scenes Filming Music Video to Wild & Free.

This day was completely magical! I never thought in a million years I would have horses as part of a music video to an original song I wrote and recorded! Talk about "horsepower!" I would also never guess I would be on a horse half naked and well,... here we are! LOL I feel like a little girl that just had a birthday with glitter and unicorns!...except I got to have two horses and two "cops!" I'm not going to get into the details of all the hours that were put into making this scene come to life as it was definitely a learning experience I would not trade for anything. The details will be in my book I am currently writing for all the readers out there! For now here are some fun pics to sum up this spectacular day of shooting another scene to my single "Wild & Free."

***NO Animals were harmed before, during or after filming****

Horse Power

All the wild vibez and crazy hair!

Momo Artistry the badass chick behind this Wild & Free festival look!